Create Molds if You Don’t fit One or Make Chili

I took a chance today. It will either pay off or it won’t, but the lesson is that it felt great! Often, during the past several years, since leaving my teaching career, I have felt completely at a loss as to how to “sell” myself to potential employers. I’ve been employed since, but have not yet found that new career landing spot. I have had multiple first interviews, even second interviews. Then a slew of the dreaded letters, phone calls or e-mails that tell me what I already knew in my gut. They selected the other candidate. So, I threw away the advice that all of the recruiters give. Instead of tailoring my resume to fit a job, I selected a few jobs, and I sent “me”. The Career jobs, the temp jobs, the attempts at self employment, the minimum wage work. I now realize that I forgot to add everything great about myself. I didn’t include every teeny tiny bit of information that probably could have been relevant to the positions.  I also didn’t over-edit who I am and what I’ve been doing . If all goes well, I will not find a “cookie cutter”job. There definitely is no cookie cutter version of myself. Whoever hires me from this resume will know that I’m an artist who loves science, who has a Master’s of Public Health, who has worked with disabled people, and who likes to make food.  I like to use my mind, be creative, be respected.I’m happy to say that even though I haven’t been hired, yet, I have a telephone interview because a company I liked and applied to, wanted to talk to me. Not the strictly stifled to fit a piece of human resource software version of a resume. So tonight’s lesson in creativity is to follow guidelines, but be yourself when you do. Everyone is an original.

When it comes to cooking, experiment. Sometimes if other people’s recipes don’t work exactly for you, make your own.


2lbs Chili Beef, 1 yellow onion diced, 4oz worchestershire sauce, 1pkg chili powder from Aldi, 28oz can crushed peeled tomatoes, 1 can kidney beans. Brown the beef and onions together. Drain fat away. Add other ingredients. Simmer about 30 minutes.

Tastes great alone or with pasta and topped with shredded sharp cheddar cheese.

If you have some other favorite seasoning or ingredient, add it!

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