Quick Words on Coffee and Motivation

When you get busy or not busy enough, the mind can accomodate by making you short  on words. “Not enough to say” is a symptom of the brain being busy processing information.

Cooking is similar for me. Sometimes creativity and inspiration flow freely, other times I can stare blankly at a pantry full of spices and ingredients and come up with no inspiration whatsoever.

The answer, I presume, is in the intricate balance of brain chemicals that drive us. Which ones though? That’s what I want to know. Serotonin, Dopamine,  and Norepinepherine are all players in the motivation game. There is so much more. Just like that full pantry of ingredients.

Science must not ignore small ingredients when it makes assumptions about how our brains and bodies work.

There is not enough time today to delve deeply into the topic.

More to come.

Caffeine is the main motivator today.

For a good cup of coffee try Starbucks Casi Cielo with a little raw sugar and a splash of milk. It should get the mind going and taste good too!

Deeper, less superficial content to come on another day.

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