Keeping Motivated on a Cold Cloudy Day

We all know what multiple cloudy days can do to people. Many get the blahs. Others just don’t want to wake up. Time seems to creep along when the sun is obscured by clouds.

It is widely known that lack of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere during winter months can lead to people becoming deficient in Vitamin D. Some people get clinically depressed. So, how besides light therapy and taking Vitamins do we stay motivated? Modern medicine prescribes exercise as a beneficial part of ones’ day. Nutrition Fanatics preach Organic Food and Non-GMO. Repeatedly in the media we see advice to get more sleep, eat right, not smoke, not drink alcohol among other healthy behaviors.

There is not much publicly mainstream news though, about how to get motivated when it is cloudy and cold. There may be some obscure studies with a sample size of 10.

I’m going to take the liberty to make a few non-scientific suggestions:

1. Reward yourself for getting out of hibernation mode by doing something that you like to do. This means do something small for you.

2. Play your favorite songs or playlist as loud as you can.

3. Turn on the lights and open the curtains or blinds.

4. Call someone or, even better, go see a friend you can laugh with.

5. Look at pictures of sunny places that make you forget how dismal it is outside.

6. Dress warmly enough.

7. Drink warm beverages, but also stay hydrated because a lack of water can actually make you feel sluggish.

8. Vacuum or scrub even if the house doesn’t need it. Not because you are OCD or bored, but because getting the blood flowing can actually get your blood flowing and make you feel more energized.

9. If all else fails, bake some cookies.

These suggestions are non-scientific, but maybe they give a little boost to the next time you feel cold, sluggish, and unmotivated on a grey winter day!

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